About Centered Care
Person-centered care is a relationship-based approach to compassionate care that honors and respects the voice of elders and those working closest with them. It involves a continuing process of listening, trying new things, seeing how they work, and changing things in an effort to individualize care and de-institutionalize care environments.
Person-centered care is not about more forms, more lists, more reporting, or more work. It is about finding a decent and kind way to serve older adults that makes their lives and the lives of their caregivers more meaningful. A common-sense approach to bringing “care” back into caregiving and enriching the lives of those that live and work in a senior living community.
Principles and values of person-centered care
- Every person has strengths, gifts, and contributions to offer.
- Every person has hopes, dreams and desires.
- Every person has the ability to express preferences and to make choices.
- A person’s choices and preferences shall always be considered.
THIS is what we strive to help facilities with: education, tools and resources!
When we hear from you, we can improve our work and refine our materials to meet your needs. If you have questions or comments about implementing preference-based person-centered care in your organization, please reach out to us.

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Our Vision
A care environment where all individuals can experience meaning and purpose.

Get Involved
Become a mentor for others in the senior care industry.

Click here to see resources on Person Centered Care from O.D.H. and much more.
Our Sponsors
Who We Are
The Ohio Person-Centered Care Coalition was formed in 2005 by stakeholders in the Ohio long-term care industry. The coalition is comprised of a diverse group of organizations representing providers, consumers, and government agencies.
The mission of the Ohio Person-Centered Care Coalition is to influence and support transformational culture change in all care environments where individuals can experience meaning and purpose.
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What’s the purpose of the Ohio Person-Centered Coalition?
The OPC3 is created to provide educational opportunities and support to organizations in their journey in person-centered, individual – directed care. We are charged to coordinate and disseminate resources, work with provider associations, regulatory agencies, consumers, advocates and providers to promote personcentered, individual – directed care in Ohio.
Who can become a member of the Ohio Person-Centered Care Board?
Membership in this not for profit (501 C-3) organization is open to all individuals or organizations that support the philosophy of person-centered, individual-directed care and the OPC3.
Why become a member of the OPC3 Board?
- You will be recognized as a leader in promoting person-centered, individual- directed care in Ohio.
- You will have the experience of working collaboratively with others who share a passion for making person-centered care a reality!
What’s expected of Members of the OPC3 Board during their term?
- Promote the principles and practices of person-centered care.
- Attend three meetings of the Board of Directors and the Annual Meeting;
- Participate at the Committee level in one of the OPC3’s standing or ad-hoc committees.
- Support OPC3 by identifying and recruiting additional members;
So, how do I become involved at the Board level?
It couldn’t be much simpler! Just complete a Nomination Form for yourself, for a friend or colleague. The OPC3 Election committee will review all nominations to fill available seats on the board. The Committee, chaired by the OPC3 Secretary, will make selections and inform each applicant of their decision. Soon thereafter, a board orientation and welcome will be scheduled. Questions? Contact any member of the OPC3 Board of Directors.

Contact Us
Ohio Person Centered Care Coalition
PO Box 4125
Dublin OH 43016
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